Detours Through The Kitchen

A while ago, I considered doing a food blog. This was back when I was young and idealistic and thought I would actually have time for such things. I've thought about it again recently, considering that my husband and I spend an awful lot of our time experimenting with new ways to make the food we love good for us. He's been amazing at coming up with recipes to replace the salt filled premade fake meats we used to eat a LOT of. I, on the other hand, have been concentrating most of my efforts on finding the elusive healthy chocolate cake/cookie/brownie/etc. Which leads to this post. I still don't have time to do a full blown food blog, but I feel I am entitled to divert from the vampires and robots every so often if I have good cause. And boy oh boy, I have good cause. This is a 36 calorie fudge brownie bite with a 24 calorie dollop of cashew cream on top. Since this worked out so well, I had to share. Especially because you aren't going to believe me that these...