When The Muse Gets Drunk

I know I've mentioned it a few times before, mostly on social media, but when the temperatures start creeping into the intolerable range, my brain turns into pudding and not the good kind. You want delicious double chocolate pudding flavored brains, look elsewhere. I get room temperature snak-pak tapioca pudding brain. This is why my summer projects are typically something simple that doesn't require a whole lot of creative thinking. In 2013 I polished and published Dissonant, which I'd actually written years earlier. Last year I published Going Green, which was already half written as a blog challenge the previous fall. This year, I might be jumping the brain pudding shark. Introducing... I know what you are thinking. You're looking at the image above and sliding your eyes over to the calendar to note the date. I might have deliberately chosen to make my announcement today. Okay, I did deliberately choose today because April Fool's...