Hold My Beer and Read This

July 4th marks the 2015th birthday of the great nation we call 'Murica. Every year, Baldy the Eagle flies from house to house, delivering beer and fireworks to all good little patriots. We will dress in our finest red white and blue discount t-shirts, sing patriotic songs about putting boots up one's posterior region, and burn the hell out the flesh of domestic livestock in the name of freedom. Local legend says that the first person to go to the ER with a burn or missing appendage will have good luck for the whole next year. Now, dubious history aside, something equally as majestic is happening this July fourth. Several authors from the Support Indie Authors Goodreads group have banded together to offer up an American-sized XXL cornucopia of free books! This is a one day event spanning several genres and although we have chosen to share the day with the purple mountain's majesty and amber waves of grain, these books are available and will be free of charge worldwid...