Go Bananas for the Year of the Monkey Contest #2!

Hi everyone! January is over and I'm happy to announce that the first month of the Go Bananas for the Year of the Monkey Contest was a fantastic success. Congratulations to all of the winners ! Now, let's get on to February's fantastic giveaway! Presenting: This time around, I've got three Kindle edition ebooks of The Eyes of The Sun, the Complete Trilogy up for grabs and four opportunities to enter the Rafflecopter giveaway below: a Rafflecopter giveaway Once again, I'll be offering a free Kindle ebooks every week. Check my author page every Wednesday to see what I'll be giving away. But that's not all! For those who don't want to wait until the end of the month (or those who want their trilogy in three separate books), I'm offering discounts on the original series books throughout the first two weeks of the month. Best of luck to everyone who enters!