We Broke the Internet & Tasted Microwaves: My sAWESOME Interview with CB Archer
Well kids, today I'm going to do something that I have never done in the history of this blog: I am going to post a warning. The following is an incredibly strange, exceptionally fun, and surprisingly tame interview with the guy who created the crazy-sexy-hilarious genre of Elfrotica. But despite the tameness, there will be talk of monster wang and sexy sex of the monster sex variety. As such: reader discretion is advised.
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Or instead of reading the advisory, here's a visual representation of what to expect. |
Before we get to the interview, I'll remind you all once again that this is #RobotPartyWeek, which was CB's impromptu promo idea. If you haven't yet gone out and grabbed up his free books(come on, you know you're curious), there is still time. He's got a different freebie each day until Saturday, so go, grab, and see what they hype is all about.
And now, without further ado, an onomatopoeia:
Christina McMullen: Crash!
CB Archer: Bang in the boom!
CM: That is the sound the
internet is making right now as it anticipates how very much it will be broken
by this interview.
CB: The internet is right to worry.
CM: But before we get to
the sAWESOME stuff and the importance of pastry, let's do the hum drum getting
to know you stuff. Wait, who are you again?
CB: Hello Christina and all of your robot
minions! I am CB Archer, author of all genres of Elfrotica, and all
around happy author.
CM: And you will be
immortalized for the creation of said Elfrotica. Tell the people at home a
little about what that entails.
CB: *CB Archer changes to Blush Shade
CM: My goal is to unlock
blush shade #10 by the time we're through.
CB: Elfrotica at its core is a mix of a few
genres of fiction, fantasy, humour, and (of course) erotica. Since the
introduction of the Tales the 'Fantasy' section has been shifted a few times to
Sci-Fi, post-apocalyptic, and even Cookbook!
(That is a Valiant
Goal. #10 hasn't even been unlocked in the world yet!)
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Yes, that's a lady on the right. Yes, that's what you think it is. |
CM: *Gasp!* What a twist!
I did not see that one coming! Okay fine, I did. But truly, I'm glad to have
inspired because this gives you a great way to expand the genre AND it gives
those of us who love the series more to read. And as I mentioned at the beginning
of the week, this is Robot Party Week, so hopefully folks have been scooping up
the free Tales.
CB: It is randomly Robot Party Week and I am excited for it!
CM: That was a brilliant
bit of random too! Can you give us a sneak preview of what's next on the agenda
for that series?
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Pictured: Regulation butt stuff. |
CM: Oh yeah. I suppose we
should mention that. Your books, while probably some of the most anything goes
I've ever read, definitely fall mostly into the male on male sexy times
Now, typically, this requires a warning
and I must say, your warning about vigorous monster banging is one of my
favorites, but as is evident by...Ahem... Certain reviews, people don't always
read the warning.
But... There is a flip side to this, isn't there? Despite the mostly gay sex
themes running pantsless through your books, you have an appreciable fan base
of straight men. How amazing is that?
CB: There are three questions here! I am
going to answer them one at a time! :D
CM: We have rules now?
CB: My books certainly fall more into
the male on male section of the rainbow, but I do like to include more than
only male on male (mostly male monster) in my books.
There are no rules in
Elfrotica! Except for all the rules I imposed on myself. Like the Text Boxes,
and the similar blurbs, and the *Changes to Blush Shade #3* giant monster
Certain people do not
read all the warnings! Or the preview on Amazon! They are there for a reason
readers! While my books are light-hearted and fun, they also have jiggly bits!
I do not know why I
have been granted the elusive title of 'The Straight Whisper'*. The books are
video gamed themed, and funny, (plus I think I am fun to interact with on
Twitter**) so this might be the reason why some confirmed lovers of lady bits
have been tempted to read my books! I am glad to be opening minds! Well,
opening anything really, I don't judge.
(Christina’s notes:
*I totally named him that. **Seriously, CB is wildly entertaining on Twitter.
Follow him! Follow him now!)
CM: Sandwich break! What
did you grab?
CB: I picked a nice basil and rosemary
turkey breast with a slice of Swiss on marble rye!
CM: Excellent choice! I
chose a mushroom melt with extra hot peppers.
CM: Ugh! Mine taste like tuna
noodle casserole. I clearly have less rank.
CB: If it tasted like actual food, you have
more than I do!
CM: Didn't we decide tuna
noodle casserole isn't food?
CB: We did, but it is probably tastier than
licking the side of a microwave.
I bet it isn't.
Yeah, it isn't. I
CM: Point taken.
Anyone who is confused by this conversation has some reading to do.
So we've talked around the series, but we haven't said anything about the main
three books yet. That needs to change! Tell us about Anders!!!
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Hey! He looks familiar! |
CB: Biscuits! Anders is the protagonist of
The Anders' Quest Series (amazing how that works). He is certainly not based
off of me, not at all. I am just using his face icon as my avatar icon
because... reasons! *Changes to Blush Shade #4*
Anders is an absolute sweetheart who is always willing to lend a hand to those
in need, refuses to use foul language, and has a magical butt capable of taking
all sorts of giant monster *Skips to Blush Shade #6* challenges!
CM: Anders' aversion to
swearing was probably the first thing I found endearing about this series. Is
that weird? Look what you've done! You've made a kawaii sex romp that gives
people the feels!
CB: That was my goal, give people the feels
while they are feeling themselves!
CB: Supporting!
CM: Okay, so...
Everyone else has
gotten this one question, or a variation of it. It's about alien robots from
outer space coming down and destroying Earth.
You will get the same question...
CB: Okay, that is confusing and fair!
CM: But you will also get
extra bonus broken questions just because. So let's start with the basics.:
Alien robots from outer space have come to Earth and are holding all of your loved ones hostage. Who, up to three, of your characters do you get to help you save the world and what item do they use to help?
Alien robots from outer space have come to Earth and are holding all of your loved ones hostage. Who, up to three, of your characters do you get to help you save the world and what item do they use to help?
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nEAT! |
CB: Okay, that is a great question. I am
going to need to enlist the following characters in the following order:
- Roodg. I need someone to help me create the plan of saving others, and there
is no one I would trust more with making an insane plan (that actually worked)
than Roodg!
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So dramatic! |
Roodg would tell me that we would need the help of Fournimer. Fournimer would
stand in front of the alien robots with his scarf dramatically blowing in the
wind. There is nothing more distracting than a scarf blowing dramatically in
the wind.
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Suck it, Anders |
Wait... are they allowed to be defeated with kinky elf sex? I hope so, that was
our plan.
CM: I'm sure our alien
robot overlords wouldn't have it any other way. *uses wink animation*
Now for the next question: You're looking for a nice relaxing nigh of mindless
videogame action, but oh no! Residual laser beam from the alien robots hit your
console and broke it... Like... Tornado Tech broken... What game are you
playing and which character are you:
1. Most excited to see broken that way.
2. Least excited to see broken that way.
3. Are pleasantly surprised to see had skills you wouldn't have dreamed of.
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Skyrim Anders? #ArrowToTheElfButt |
CB: Curse those Aliens! Curse them!
I often play games such as Dragon Age, Stardew Valley, and Soul Calibur. These
games let me create my own characters, and *Changes to Blush Shade #7* I
must admit that I tend to make the characters from my books. So there is a
really good chance that I would be dealing with the likes of Skyrim Anders, or
Fallout: New Vegas Lissa.
But, that wasn't the question now was it?
CM: No, but that's great
CB: 1. A character I would be excited to
see broken in this way. That would be Link, simply because he is the original
sexy elf, and dang it, I want to cuddle with him!
2. Least excited to
get broken and hit on me, that is a tough one (as I am very open minded)! Going
to need to go with The Evil Queen Pulsating, Bloated, Festering,
Sweaty, Pus-filled, Malformed, Slug-for-a-Butt from Earthworm Jim.
CM: Gah! Good(?) choice.
CB: 3. Most surprised by their secret
talents? I am going to have to go with Kirby, because, well... he can *Changes
to Blush Shade #8*... he has a lot of blowing potential.
CM: Whelp! That's it. You
did it. You made me blush. *checks special interviewer shades* Oh dear. I'm
officially Blush Shade #Barbara Walters.
CB: Wow, even I have never heard of Blush
Shade #Barbara Walters! Amazing
CM: Oh! Hold the phone!
Literally... We have breaking news...
CB: !!! Did Kirby finally reply to my
CM: Sorry, not yet. I'm
sure he's just busy. *play it cool animation* No, our news is that Nokia is
re-releasing the 3310 cell phone complete with the game Snake. Could you find a
way to pervert this incredibly breakably named but not so much content game for
sexy lolz?
CB: Gee, a game where a slender tube shaped
creature gets longer and longer the more you eat, until the point where it is
so gigantic that it hits itself and presumably needs to stop playing the game
because it gets itself caught in its own throat?
Nope! Can't see anything suggestive about that.
CM: *Changes to
Interviewer Blush Shade #Oprah*
CB: Bwahahaha! I have made you blush even
further with my impressive skill with giant snake gobbling! Wait, "My
impressive skill with giant snake gobbling?!" *Changes to Blush Shade #9*
CM: Oh snap! And here I
was just about to wrap things up (practice safe interviews, people), but now we
need to unlock Blush Shade #10!
CB: Aw, that is so sweet of you. It really
makes me feel great that you want to accomplish such a thing! Aw, so much
niceness. *Changes to Blush Shade #10*
CM: Level up!
Okay, I'll let you off the hook now.
So, now that Anders has gotten his happy ending, what's next for the world of
CB: I have a spreadsheet already set up
that has details for the next trilogy! Squee! (Yes, I get giddy over
spreadsheets) I also have an idea for a shorter single novel, and plus many
Tales to complete! I will be going hard for some time!
Going hard! *Changes
to Blush Shade #MAXIMUM*
CM: That did it! I think
I've gone Blush Shade #Ellen!
CB: Ellen is another term for Maximum.
CM: CB, it's been an
absolute pleasure breaking the internet with you. Thank you for putting up with
CB: I should be the one thanking you for
putting up with this! Thank you Christina, it was a lot of fun!
CM: Well folks, if that didn't convince you to hop aboard the Elfrotica boat (and yes, it's a boat, not a train, because plot!), then here's one last shameless link to CB's Amazon Author Page where perhaps all the pretty colors will hypnotize you into buying all the things.
Connect with CB (especially on Twitter!)
Great interview, C.B.!!
ReplyDeleteNice review!
ReplyDeleteGreat interview from both sides! I had a blast reading it.
ReplyDeleteWhat a fun interview! I learned so much about this CB Archer fellow.
ReplyDeleteDunno why I felt like I had to hide from my daughters to read this; they're probably older than you guys...I'm sure I am...but they don't like to think of their mother, er, enjoying herself. Great interview.