The (small) Dog Days of Summer

I'm sure you've seen the memes, the ones that show something great with the caption "my fall plans" contrasted with something terrible captioned "the delta variant." Well, a similar situation happened to us recently. In retrospect, I should have known that making any travel plans would be a bad idea. Especially when the CDC decided to prematurely pull the mask recommendation for vaccinated folks, knowing full well that meant everyone, vaccinated or not, would stop complying with all virus abatement tactics. That I haven't come down with a breakthrough case is a testament to the efficacy of proper masking and avoiding unnecessary contact (seriously, get your vaccine and keep masking, it's not rocket science!). However, a vacation was something we sorely needed, and we had a single one week window in mid-August to do so. As such, I made us plans to visit Austin. I secured a residential hotel with an exterior room entrance, planned outdoor activities o...