Staring Into The Eyes Of The Sun: Looking Back At The Last Ten Years

This coming Saturday marks a momentous occasion. An occasion that, if you read the title of this post, likely doesn't come as any surprise. That's right, I'm talking about the ten year anniversary of publishing what would be my first Science Fantasy novel, The Eyes of The Sun. I've had thoughts as to how I'd planned to mark this moment for a while now. At one point, I'd hoped to do a series of ten years later shorts, but given that the events of the series took place from 2009-2010, I wasn't keen on writing pandemic era tales. Especially given that if my vampires, with their natural immunity to damn near everything, and my research facility that had the brightest minds in medical science had actually existed, we'd never have had a pandemic, so what would I have had to write about? I then considered releasing the series in audiobook format. I got pretty excited about that, but the time and energy required were not something that I've had this year, ...